KIND KINGDOM click here Interland is a game were they help you on social skills. So basically there are islands you can pick to play on and this is one of the islands called Kind Kingdom and you play as a character that has cards and he throws the card in the air in front of the sad person and he sees it and gets happy and you get 10 points every person you cheer up. REALITY RIVER Reality River is one of the islands as well but Reality river asks you questions like your friend sends you something that hurts your feelings what would you do. And then it comes up with some options and if you get the answer correct a platform comes up so you can cross the river but if you get it incorrect you re spawn and lose 10 points. TOWER OF TREASURE Tower of Treasure is another island so you have to outrun the hackers or they will steal your messages and your identity. Start by grabbing your emails and messages and they are purple and green icons that are floating but i...
Hi Dazharn,
ReplyDeleteI like how you explained how to use the website that you made this on. It looks like a lot of fun! Also love the colours you picked, it reallys stands out.
This reminds me of some activitys bassed on the book. There's a Boy in the Girl's bathroom. One of the activitys was something like you did, making word art. My one is a boy discribing how he felt in the book like sad, angry, happy and scaired.
Did you have fun making it? If you did, what was the best part? What did you learn after this activity?
From Mika (Me kah I'm a girl)
Yaldhurst Model School
Link to blog
Hello Dazharn,
ReplyDeleteI love your emoji art! It would of been hard to come up with all of those emotions! I like how you used different colors; if you didn't, the post wouldn't have been as interesting as it is now!
This brought me back to when I had to do word art based on a book our whole class read, called "There's a boy in the Girl's bathroom'.
When I did my word art, I used a website that comes up when you search up 'word art', online.
If you would like to have a look then here is the link:
How long did this take you to make?
Why did you do this activity?
Ariana (Not Ariana Grande),
Yaldhurst Model School.
Hi Dazharn
ReplyDeleteI like how you explained how to use the website that you made this on. It looks like a lot of fun! Also love the colours you picked, it really stands out.
This reminds me of some activities based on the book. There's a Boy in the Girl's bathroom. One of the activities was something like you did, making word art. Here is a link to my work.
Here is my blog link:
From Nikoli
Yaldhurst model school.
This looks like a cool activity and I like how you have the challenge of writing feeling from A - Z.I should try this site when I have a activity similar to this