This term we started our journey and it was kinda hard because we had to use google maps,websites and we had to estimate what we were going to spend. When I was trying this for the first time ever I didn't know what to do. I finally finished this two weeks ago. I spent less money than I estimated because I picked the cheapest activities because they are fun to do. All the new things I learnt was Cape Reinga is so far away from Auckland. We had to choose what car we wanted because we had to travel in it from place to place. We did heaps of travelling spending money on heaps of gas and if you buy a camper van you don't have to sleep in a hotel but I used the camper van and still sleep in a hotel. I stuck to my budget because I didn't want to spend heaps of money. I was so happy when I went on my trip because it was really cool. My estimate because it was really high.


  1. I love your blog I love that you have lots of photos of what you are doing maybe for when you write you could ad a bit more colour

  2. Thank you for the positive and helpful comment I could use your idea for using more colour. Next time when you write your comment can you please use punctuation because we use punctuation when we write ours.


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