Our ginormous move

The classes  were  so  colourful  that i loved it when i first got inside .I didn't  even get to tell you about our big space  and our fancy  new furniture.                                                                      We have new furniture and lots of soft carpet and nice quiet  spaces, different smart cool and sporty teachers. Things we are not aloud to do are Running around the room, piggy back riding and arm wrestling. I feel comfortable in our classes and super Happy .The creative colours the new sliding sound proof doors.We should focus on your work every day ,don't make any noise well other people are talking, make people feel welcome to our new classes.IMG_4638 (1).JPG


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about Te Waka Ako Dazharn. I'm really glad that you are enjoying the new space. I also like your learning tips at the end of your blog. Do you prefer working with others or on your own?


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